Saturday, 11 January 2014

Change Memory Card Label To Proper Case(Means Both Small and Capital Letters)

Often you change or rename the memory card but the Proper Case(Means Both Small and Capital Letters), but not success. But the process below help to do this.

Process to Change microSD card label to Proper Case...
  1. Connect Memory Card to Computer with Memory Card Reader.
  2. Copy all the contents from Memory Card to Computer in a Specific Folder like as D:\Param\.
  3. Right Click on Memory Card drive (H:) from My Computer.
  4. Choose, "Format..."
  5. Choose File System as NTFS.
  6. Select Allocation Unit Size as Default Allocation size.
  7. Check on [  ] Quick Format.
  8. Click on Start.
  9. Wait For few seconds to complete Process.
  10. After that message is appears like that "Format is Complete".
  11. Click on Ok.
  12. At last Click on Close.

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